MICCI Northern Region Roundtable Dialogue With Deputy Minister Of MITI, YB Liew Chin Tong
By marcom@micci.com
Jun 21, 2023
MICCI Northern Region in its quest to ensure that its members views are heard, hosted a Roundtable Dialogue with the Deputy Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI), YB Liew Chin Tong on 9th June 2023. YB Liew is not new to Penang, nor is he new to the trials that Malaysian companies are facing.
The theme for the Dialogue was "Enhancing Malaysia's Global Competitiveness", but YB Liew informed that we were in a transitional period. We have to have major changes in the way we think about economics. It is no longer about competitiveness; it was more towards economic efficiency. The country's number one concern was economic security. Talk and thoughts about competition and competitiveness should be channelled towards vertical integration, as we are in a once in lifetime generation shift.
After the Dialogue session was wrapped up, YB Liew Chin Tong mixed and mingled with the guests during the buffet tea and continued to answer their questions.
To read and understand more about the issues discussed, please click on this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GAi9fJBtzt25DPm1Sk35uZJiQSX0RJte/view?usp=sharing