
Monitor economic developments and provide policy input to promote business in a transparent environment with clear fiscal regulations. Monitor the progress of Malaysian trade & investment issues and provide submissions and comments on policy matters, guidelines, practices, and rulings related to trade and investment growth, FTAs and Services liberalisation.

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Monitor developments relating to Taxation issues - direct or indirect - and to resolve issues with the relevant authorities in respect of national and regional single window operations and the promotion of e-filling for trade documents.

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Works with Government to promote liberalisation and minimise domestic trade barriers. Provides representation and contribution to the Ministry of Home Affairs/Private Sector Consultative Panel and other relevant Committees.

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Monitors national infrastructure and logistics needed to provide suitable recommendations for the development of an infrastructure framework that efficiently supports Malaysian businesses.

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Acts as a consultative body on labor and human capital that engages Government to improve labor legislation to create a productive labor market environment for Malaysian businesses. This includes the objective of promoting productivity and competency of workforce through enhancement in the education system that supports productivity. This Council will monitor educational issues and provide input to align current and future industry needs with educational (soft skills) and vocational training systems.

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Monitors security and crime and undertakes dialogue and interaction between the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Royal Malaysian Police and related authorities to reduce commercial crime and enhance overall personal security.

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Acts as the Chamber’s consultative body on legal issues and IP, and interacts with the judiciary to advocate a transparent, effective judicial system.

Manages the Chamber’s National Corporate Ethics Award and engages with anti-corruption agencies to raise awareness and promote the best ethical practices throughout the business community.

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It is the principal advocate with the environmental authorities and contributes input to the implementation of appropriate environment management systems and best practices for a sustainable environment.

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The Logistics Performance Index (LPI) is a benchmarking tool developed by the World Bank to measure productivity across the entire supply chain of logistics within a country. The LPI Council will facilitate and develop national LPI roadmap to set benchmark in improving the LPI ranking for Malaysia.

To read and understand about Logistics Performance Index (LPI) council, please click on this link:

For more info contact:
Mahendrarajah Selvaraja