MICCI Southern Branch August Monthly ‘Monthly Get Together’ Gathering
By marcom@micci.com
Aug 22, 2022
Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI) Southern Branch has successfully organised the "Monthly Get Together" gathering on 12th August 2022, Friday at the MICCI Southern Branch office.
This gathering is held monthly on every 2nd Friday of the month. To ensure a meaningful and cordial interaction among members, we have limited the number of participants for our monthly get together.
The program kicked off with the welcoming remarks from Mr. Ng Yong Kang, the Vice-Chairman of MICCI Southern Branch and followed by the self-introduction from each member and guest.
During this round, our premier member, HSBC Bank had the opportunity to share some of the latest market information to our members during the gathering. This is followed by a simple treat to all MICCI members and guests while catching up with each other.