MICCI Northern Branch Committee Members 2023
By marcom@micci.com
Dec 23, 2022
On 2nd December 2022, the MICCI Northern Branch, which covers the states of Penang, Perlis and Kedah held its Annual Branch Election at the G Hotel Kelawai. Members that attended the Branch Election cast their votes and 10 members were elected as MICCI Northern Branch Committee for the year 2023.
We would like to congratulate and welcome MICCI Northern Branch Committee members for the year 2023, as below:-
- Branch Chairman - Dato' Brian Tan Guan Hooi (Fumakilla Malaysia Berhad)
- Branch Vice-Chairman - Dato' Sasedharan Vasudevan (Penang Port Sdn Bhd)
- Branch Treasurer - Mr Lim Huck Khiam (PricewaterhouseCoopers PLT)
- Branch EXCO - Dato' Seri Nazir Ariff bin Mushir Ariff (Aspen Vision Development Sdn Bhd)
- Branch EXCO - Mr Herluf Nissen (Barkath Co-Ro Manufacturing Sdn Bhd)
- Branch EXCO - Mr J Philip Vincent (GSH Precision Technology Sdn Bhd)
- Branch EXCO - Dr Teoh Poh Huat (Henry Butcher Malaysia (Penang) Sdn Bhd)
- Branch EXCO - Ms Hemalatha Murugiah (INTI International College Penang Sdn Bhd)
- Branch EXCO - Dr Mary Ann Harris (PBA Holdings Berhad)
- Branch EXCO - Mr Teoh Soon Beng (United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Berhad, Penang)
- For the full list of additional branch committee members, please click on this link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZhhImSanj6ycyniNySTp5KL04H_wOjjc/view?usp=sharing
After the election, the event was followed by a lavish networking lunch to celebrate and welcome all the members and guests.
We are looking forward to a bright and successful New Year 2023.